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Own your projects throughout the building process.

Enters JARVIS ProjectMaster, a centralized project control center.

Align your teams in one integrated platform.

Manage the entire project’s lifecycle with better communications and digital handover.

Oversee the Total Status

Gain a bird’s eye view throughout the building lifecycle

Estimate operational cost more accurately in the planning stage

Track project schedules to prevent missed deadlines or cost overruns

Align Teams for Quality Standards

Establish standardized templates and workflows across all projects

Track teams’ performance online – defects, assignees, works, location, etc.

Integrate cost data in the 3D model itself for accurate costing

Monitor Compliance and Risk Better

Leverage richer data sets for analytics and simulations

Track adherence to regulatory requirements through real-time site visibility

Initiate preventive measures that reduce operating expenses

Get better access to your built project’s information.

Gain visibility into every step to ensure delivery within cost and schedule. Control all deviations from the initial stage and achieve a higher level of detail in the execution phase - all in the comfort of your office.

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